About us

SAFETY Training Plus has been helping companies manage dangerous goods for more than 20 years. Many thanks to the great team. We look forward to the next years and to meeting you again or for the first time.

20 Jahre SAFETY Training Plus


All persons and companies involved in the dangerous goods process should be motivated to integrate the highest safety standards into their corporate culture and to live them consciously on a daily basis. This should ensure 100% safety for people and the environment

Zeichnung einer Glühbirne
Die Mission als Ziel auf einem Berg


SAFETY Training Plus stands for dangerous goods management. We achieve our vision by supporting all persons/companies along the entire dangerous goods process chain with great commitment and professional expertise on a daily basis. We achieve this through:


We are officially recognized in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland).

Description of the recognition

Image 1
DE - Industrie- und Handelskammer
Image 2
DE - Luftfahrtbundesamt
Image 3
CH - Eidgenössisches Department für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation (UVEK)
Image 4
AT - Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK)
Image 5
AT - Austro Control Österreichische Gesellschaft für Zivilluftfahrt
Team Icon


SAFETY Team - Person Veronika Feichtner
Veronika Feichtner
SAFETY Team - Person Veronika Feichtner
Samuel Stephan
Seminar organization
SAFETY Team - Person Veronika Feichtner
Patrick Bleuer
Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor
SAFETY Team - Person Veronika Feichtner
Irmgard Holzhammer
Seminar organization
SAFETY Team - Person Stephan Feichtner
Stephan Feichtner
Founder & CEO
SAFETY Team - Person Veronika Feichtner
Johann Treffer
Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor
SAFETY Team - Person Thomas Feichtner
Thomas Feichtner
SAFETY Team - Person Veronika Feichtner
Andrea Steinberger
Seminar organization
SAFETY Team - Person Veronika Feichtner
Ulrike Feichtner
Finance & Controlling
SAFETY Team - Person Josef Anderl
Josef Anderl
Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor
SAFETY Team - Person Veronika Feichtner
Franziska Feichtner
Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor
SAFETY Team - Person Veronika Feichtner
Claudia Maierhofer
Seminar organization
SAFETY Team - Person Veronika Feichtner
Michael Jau
Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor
SAFETY Team - Person Gertraud Schallerbauer
Gertraud Schallerbauer
Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor

Unser erweitertes Team

Person Stephanie Stalder
Stephanie Stalder
Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor
Zur Website ➜
Person Uwe Fleischer
Uwe Fleischer
Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor
Person Valerie Cansell
Valérie Cansell
Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor
Person Dieter Jaculi
Dieter Jaculi
Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor